Conference paper

MQTT-S - A publish/subscribe protocol for wireless sensor networks


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) pose novel challenges compared with traditional networks. To answer such challenges a new communication paradigm, data-centric communication, is emerging. One form of data-centric communication is the publish/subscribe messaging system. Compared with other data-centric variants, publish/subscribe systems are common and wide-spread in distributed computing. Thus, extending publish/subscribe systems into WSNs will simplify the integration of sensor applications with other distributed applications. This paper describes MQTT-S [1], an extension of the open publish/subscribe protocol Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) [2] to WSNs. MQTT-S is designed in such a way that it can be run on low-end and battery-operated sensor/actuator devices and operate over bandwidth-constraint WSNs such as ZigBee-based networks. Various protocol design points are discussed and compared. MQTT-S has been implemented and is currently being tested on the IBM wireless sensor networking testbed [3]. Implementation aspects, open challenges and future work are also presented.
