ISWC 2008
Conference paper

Making URIs published on Data Web RDF dereferencable


Nowadays, more and more URIs reside on Data Web, as published for linked open data, dereferencing URIs challenges the current Web to embrace Semantic Web. Although, quite a few practical recipes for publishing URIs have been provided to make URIs dereferencable, we believe a fundamental investigation of publishing and dereferencing URIs would contribute a forward compatibility with the RDF and OWL upper layers in the Semantic Web architecture. In this paper, we propose to make URIs published on Data Web RDF dereferencable, and we formalize such a requirement in an RDF-compatible semantics. Also, the dereferencing operation is defined in an abstract URI syntax, such that URIs, as interpreted as described resources, would be RDF dereferencable by default. Accompanied by a live demonstration, the poster demo explanation would elaborately discuss and seriously address issues on Data Web URIs, which were or have been taken for granted. Additionally, for case study, Metadata Web, a Data Web of enterprise-wide models, is explored. The URIs on Metadata Web is published as RDF dereferencable. Such an implementation of universal metadata management across the enterprise enables the metadata federation such that global query, search and analysis could be conducted on top of the Metadata Web.



ISWC 2008


