
High-fidelity dimer excitations using quantum hardware


The quantum simulation of entangled spin systems can play a central role in quantum magnetic materials discovery. Additionally, the simulation of spectroscopic signatures, such as the dynamical structure factor accessed in inelastic neutron scattering (INS), necessitates a long timescale for circuit evolution. This is because the energy resolution is directly related to the time over which the circuit could be meaningfully evolved. However, canonical Trotterization requires deep circuits precluding such long-time evolution - even for a small number of qubits. Here we demonstrate "direct"resource efficient fast-forwarding (REFF) measurements with short-depth circuits that can be used to capture longer time dynamics of spin Hamiltonians. We showcase the results of the dynamics of a quantum spin dimer, the basic quantum unit of emergent many-body spin systems, whose density of states we simulate accurately. The long temporal evolution and measurement of the two-spin correlation functions enable the calculation of the dynamical structure factor S(Q=0,ω) measured in the neutron scattering cross-section. We exhibit the clarity of the triplet gap and the triplet splitting of the quantum dimer with class-leading fidelity that enables comparison to experimental neutron data. Our results on current circuit hardware outline an important workflow to predict and benchmark against the outputs of INS experiments of quantum magnets.
