Conference paper

Extrapolation-based and QoS-aware real-time communication in wireless mobile ad hoc networks


In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), it is increasingly important to devote attention to real-time and quality of service (QoS) issues. We present here a novel extrapolation-based and QoS-aware technology for providing soft real-time services in MANETs. The proposed technology combines elements of proactive and location-based techniques. Each node maintains a global view, which is periodically updated through state exchange among all the nodes. At any time, a node is able to extrapolate the location of a given node based on its velocity vector. Resource management, dynamic scheduling, velocity-based extrapolation, and multipath search techniques are employed to meet the realtime and QoS requirements despite network contention and frequent topology changes. We demonstrate this technology by presenting a real-time and QoS routing protocol. We evaluate the performance of the protocol and compare it to the performance of other well-known routing protocols. © 2009 IEEE.
