
Disk Scheduling in a Multimedia I/O System

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This article provides a retrospective of our original paper by the same title in the Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Multimedia, published in 1993. This article examines the problem of disk scheduling in a multimedia I/O system. In a multimedia server, the disk requests may have constant data rate requirements and need guaranteed service. We propose a new scheduling algorithm, SCAN-EDF, that combines the features of SCAN type of seek optimizing algorithm with an Earliest Deadline First (EDF) type of real-time scheduling algorithm. We compare SCAN-EDF with other scheduling strategies and show that SCANEDF combines the best features of both SCAN and EDF.We also investigate the impact of buffer space on the maximum number of video streams that can be supported. We show that by making the deadlines larger than the request periods, a larger number of streams can be supported. We also describe how we extended the SCAN-EDF algorithm in the PRISM multimedia architecture. PRISM is an integrated multimedia server, designed to satisfy the QOS requirements of multiple classes of requests. Our experience in implementing the extended SCAN-EDF algorithm in a generic operating system is discussed and performance metrics and results are presented to illustrate how the SCAN-EDF extensions and implementation strategies have succeeded in meeting the QOS requirements of different classes of requests. Copyright © 2005, ACM. All rights reserved.




