ICCAD 2009
Conference paper

DeltaSyn: An efficient logic difference optimizer for ECO synthesis


During the IC design process, functional specifications are often modified late in the design cycle, after placement and routing are completed. However, designers are left either to manually process such modifications by hand or to restart the design process from scratch - a very costly option. In order to address this issue, we present DeltaSyn, a method for generating a highly optimized logic difference between a modified high-level specification and an implemented design. DeltaSyn has the ability to locate boundaries in implemented logic within which changes can be confined. Delta-Syn demarcates the boundary in two phases. The first phase employs fast functional and structural analysis techniques to identify equivalent signals forming the input-side boundary of the changes. The second phase locates the outputside boundary of the changes through a novel dynamic algorithm that detects matching logic downstream from the changes required by the ECO. Experiments on industrial designs show that together these techniques successfully implement ECOs while preserving an average of 97% of the existing logic. Unlike previous approaches, the use of bit-parallel logic simulation and fast SAT solvers enables high performance and scalability. DeltaSyn can process and verify a typical ECO for a design of around 10K gates in about 200 seconds or less. Copyright 2009 ACM.



ICCAD 2009


