Conference paper

Cross-domain service management for enabling domain autonomy in a federated SOA


To tackle SOA projects that span across various boundaries, enterprises are adopting a federated SOA approach in order to manage reuse across service domains. Managing service reuse involves sharing a subset of the services that are provided within a domain and fulfilling references to services required by applications or other services in a domain. While this is a major goal, it is also important for a federated enterprise to enable the autonomy of its multiple service domains. This paper proposes an approach for cross-domain service management that enables domain autonomy and that preserves across domains properties that are taken for granted by services within a domain. We introduce a cross-domain service management capability and show how this capability allows for services to be shared and reused without the need for a federation architect, and how it preserves intra-domain properties, thus enabling domain autonomy in a federation. © 2010 IEEE.
