ICSLP 2000
Conference paper

Conversational networking: Conversational protocols or transport, coding and control


With the increased deployment of conversational systems, new technical challenges and limitations appear. Client devices do not have the processing power and memory requirements to perform the nec essary recognition and presentation tasks. Also, networks do not have enough bandwidth to rapidly exchange the data files needed by the conversational engines. Assuming that these two problems are solved, vendors and service providers often do not wish to exchange such data files which may be considered as intellectual, busi ness logic and technology crown jewels. Distributed architectures solve these issues, if implemented in appropriately managed net works to guarantee quality of service for each active dialog. In this paper, we introduce some aspects of conversational networking: distributed speech recognition (DSR), distributed conversational ar chitecture and conversational protocols for transport, coding and control. These are building blocks of a conversational networking solutions and distributed multi-modal browsers.



ICSLP 2000

