Advances in Applied Probability

Concavity of queueing systems with NBU service times

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This paper establishes structural properties for the throughput of a large class of queueing networks with i.i.d. new-better-than-used service times. The main result obtained in this paper is applied to a wide range of networks, including tandems, cycles and forkjoin networks with general blocking and starvation (as well as certain networks with splitting and merging of traffic streams), to deduce the concavity of their throughput as a function of system parameters, such as buffer and initial job configurations, and blocking and starvation parameters. These results have important implications for the optimal design and control of such queueing networks by providing exact solutions, reducing the search space over which optimization need be performed, or establishing the convergence of optimization algorithms. In order to obtain results for such disparate networks in a unified manner, we introduce the framework of constrained discrete event systems (CDES), which enables us to characterize any permutable and non-interruptive queueing network through its constraint set. The main result of this paper establishes comparison properties of the event occurrence processes of CDES as a function of the constraint sets, which are then translated into the above-mentioned concavity of the throughput as a function of system parameters in the context of queueing networks. © 1998 Applied Probability Trust.



Advances in Applied Probability


