CIVR 2007
Conference paper

Classification of video events using 4-dimensional time-compressed motion features

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Among the various types of semantic concepts modeled, events pose the greatest challenge in terms of computational power needed to represent the event and accuracy that can be achieved in modeling it. We introduce a novel low-level visual feature that summarizes motion in a shot. This feature leverages motion vectors from MPEG-encoded video, and aggregates local motion vectors over time in a matrix, which we refer to as a motion image. The resulting motion image is representative of the overall motion in a video shot, having compressed the temporal dimension while preserving spatial ordering. Building motion models using this feature permits us to combine the power of discriminant modeling with the dynamics of the motion in video shots that cannot be accomplished by building generative models over a time series of motion features from multiple frames in the video shot. Evaluation of models built using several motion image features in the TRECVID 2005 dataset shows that use of this novel motion feature results an average improvement in concept detection performance by 140% over existing motion features. Furthermore, experiments also reveal that when this motion feature is combined with static feature representations of a single keyframe from the shot such as color and texture features, the fused detection results in an improvement between 4 to 12% over the fusion across the static features alone. Copyright 2007 ACM.



CIVR 2007


