Conference paper

Characterization of Microservice Response Time in Kubernetes: A Mixture Density Network Approach


The use of microservice-based applications is becoming more prominent also in the telecommunication field. The current 5G core network, for instance, is already built around the concept of a “Service Based Architecture”, and it is foreseeable that 6G will push even further this concept to enable more flexible and pervasive deployments. However, the increasing complexity of future networks calls for sophisticated platforms that could help network providers with their deployments design. In this framework, a central research trend is the development of digital twins of the physical infrastructures. These digital representations should closely mimic the behavior of the managed system, allowing the operators to test new configurations, analyze what-if scenarios, or train their reinforcement learning algorithms in safe environments. Considering that Kubernetes is becoming the de-facto standard platform for container orchestration and microservice-based application life cycle management, the implementation of a Kubernetes digital twin requires an accurate characterization of the microservice response time, possibly leveraging suitable Machine Learning techniques trained with measurement data collected in the field. In this paper we introduce a new methodology, based on Mixture Density Networks, to accurately estimate the statistical distribution of the response time of microservice-based applications. We show the improvement in performance with respect to simulation-based inference procedures proposed in literature.
