Conference paper

Back to the future: A fully automatic method for robust age progression


It has been shown that significant age difference between a probe and gallery face image can decrease the matching accuracy. If the face images can be normalized in age, there can be a huge impact on the face verification accuracy and thus many novel applications such as matching driver's license, passport and visa images with the real person's images can be effectively implemented. Face progression can address this issue by generating a face image for a specific age. Many researchers have attempted to address this problem focusing on predicting older faces from a younger face. In this paper, we propose a novel method for robust and automatic face progression in totally unconstrained conditions. Our method takes into account that faces belonging to the same age-groups share age patterns such as wrinkles while faces across different age-groups share some common patterns such as expressions and skin colors. Given training images of K different age-groups the proposed method learns to recover K low-rank age and one low-rank common components. These extracted components from the learning phase are used to progress an input face to younger as well as older ages in bidirectional fashion. Using standard datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed progression method outperforms state-of-the-art age progression methods and also improves matching accuracy in a face verification protocol that includes age progression.
