
Adaptive Conformal Regression with Split-Jackknife+ Scores


We introduce an extension of conformal predictions (CP) based on a combination of split-CP and the Jackknife+ procedure that enables tuning score functions to calibration data and designed to produce dynamically-sized prediction interval in regression settings. We motivate this method with theoretical results on distribution-dependent conditional coverage guarantees for split-CP and Jackknife+ prediction sets which are determined by the statistical dependence between input data and prediction scores. This dependence can be reduced by adapting the score function to the data distribution, thereby improving the conditional validity of conformal prediction sets. As an illustration, we construct a variant of the MADSplit conformal regression procedure where conditional mean estimates are computed in-distribution and show through empirical validation that our method is more robust to overfitting effects than the original method, while being more sample-efficient than modern ECDF-based methods.