Conference paper

Activity of Brazilian HCI community from 2012 to 2017 in the context of the challenge 'future, smart cities, and sustainability'


Grand Challenges are ranked and defined to guide an area/discipline so that efforts and long term initiatives focus on providing disruptive solutions. These challenges represent a key component to highlight core issues that cannot be tackled in a short term or by a single person, requiring multiple efforts and sometimes whole communities. This position paper presents a discussion involving activities of the Brazilian Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community in the 2012-2017 period in the context of the challenge Future, Smart Cities and Sustainability, which is part of the Grand Research Challenges in Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil (GranDIHC-BR). The analysis performed shows that this challenge is one of the least addressed by the Brazilian HCI community and that actions fommenting GranDIHC-BR must be taken continuously, e.g., conferences, competitions, or submission tracks related to GranDIHC-BR challenges less covered by the Brazilian HCI community. From the presented results, one expects to summarize: (1) activities performed in the context of the challenge, (2) reflections around the theme, and (3) to outline a research agenda for the next 5 years.
