KDD 2000
Conference paper

Active learning using adaptive resampling

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Classification modeling (a.k.a. supervised learning) is an extremely useful analytical technique for developing predictive and forecasting applications. The explosive growth in data warehousing and internet usage has made large amounts of data potentially available for developing classification models. For example, natural language text is widely available in many forms (e.g., electronic mail, news articles, reports, and web page contents). Categorization of data is a common activity which can be automated to a large extent using supervised learning methods. Examples of this include routing of electronic mail, satellite image classification, and character recognition. However, these tasks require labeled data sets of sufficiently high quality with adequate instances for training the predictive models. Much of the on-line data, particularly the unstructured variety (e.g., text), is unlabeled. Labeling is usually a expensive manual process done by domain experts. Active learning is an approach to solving this problem and works by identifying a subset of the data that needs to be labeled and uses this subset to generate classification models. We present an active learning method that uses adaptive resampling in a natural way to significantly reduce the size of the required labeled set and generates a classification model that achieves the high accuracies possible with current adaptive resampling methods.



KDD 2000


