Conference paper

A semantic QoS-aware discovery framework for web services


Augmenting web services with explicit semantics forms the foundation of Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) automation. As more and more Semantic Web Services (SWSs) are deployed, similar SWSs could have quite different quality-of-service (QoS) levels. The QoS-aware discovery becomes an important challenge. While some efforts try to solve it via Constraint Programming (CP), they suffer from the purely syntactic matchmaking method. Furthermore, the construction of constraints and the selection of services are completely dependent on the literal translation from QoS descriptions, which increase obstacles to actually apply CP. In this paper, we propose a semantic QoS-aware framework for SWSs discovery by combining the semantic matchmaking and CP. Initially, a QoS ontology is presented to define QoS data into service descriptions. Then the ontology reasoning is adopted to change previous syntactic matchmaking into a semantic way. Through confirming the compatibility of concepts, complex QoS conditions are solved as constraints and a selection algorithm is proposed to obtain the optimal offer. Finally, the prototype implementation of our framework is discussed and a SWSs discovery case is used to illustrate the comprehensive discovery process. ©2008 IEEE.
